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​What We Do & Our Services


Welcome to Arvered Kommunikation! We’re not just event planners; we’re creators of unforgettable moments, driven by a passion for bringing people together. You’ll find us right in the heart of Stockholm’s bustling city center, where we’re always in the middle of the action, close to where it all happens. Whether you need us in the office or out on the field, we’re always close at hand.


Whether it’s a business-to-consumer event, a corporate gathering, a product launch, sampling, or sponsorship activation, we pour our dedication and creativity into every detail. We’re fast, we’re fun, and we’re fanatical about details. At Arvered Kommunikation, no task is too small, and no idea is too big. We thrive on challenges, and nothing makes us happier than seeing you smile at the end of a perfect event.


​Our Expertise Includes:



Our team is a small but mighty group of creative minds and meticulous planners. Some days you’ll find us all together in our Stockholm office, brainstorming and planning the next big event. Other times, we’re scattered across Sweden and even the Nordic region, bringing our expertise wherever it’s needed. We’re passionate about sports and wellness, not just as part of our daily lives but also as a core inspiration in our work. We believe in the power of human connections, and we strive to create events that bring people together, nurturing both body and soul. Whether it’s through an exciting sports event or celebrations with your colleagues, we are committed to those authentic human interactions that truly matter.


​At Arvered Kommunikation, we understand that every event is unique, and that’s why we approach each project with the same level of care and enthusiasm. Our agility and attention to detail set us apart, ensuring that every experience we create is not just an event but a cherished memory.


Ready to create something unforgettable? Let’s start planning your next big moment.
Get in touch with us today!

Let’s Work Together

Artillerigatan 42

11445 Stockholm

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